• Newsletter#5 12-14-09

    by  • December 16, 2009 • Uncategorized • 0 Comments

    The latest 100kGarages newsletter just came out yesterday..here it is in all it’s goodness. If you don’t already get it in yiour inbox you can sign up at newsletter.100kgarages.com:

    Well…when we say the 100kGarages newsletter comes out “semi-occasionally” we really mean it! It’s not from lack of action though, and those of you that have been regularly checking out the 100kGarages website may have seen the results.

    Our “Maker School” section is growing with new information to help Makers learn to work more efficiently with Fabbers. We’ve also added a new section of downloadable Projects. These include a lot of the cool original ShopBot projects including sawhorses, workstation, and the Quicklap lapstrake canoe that were on Project Wizard, but also several new ones that haven’t been available before. There are two that we’re particularly excited about:

    *) A doghouse design that’s the first in a series from Physical Design Co…the MIT architects behind all the cool mass-customizable slot together structures that you’ve seen at the Maker Faires and the Museum of Modern Art in New York (watch some youTube videos). It’s great to have those guys on board and look forward to more amazing designs from them.

    *) Our first “100kapp” that lets Makers and Fabbers create custom part files by changing settings on a web page. This one creates a “wavy scarf” for joining panels together, but we have many more in the works and will be releasing them periodically…look for the “100kapp” tag.

    On the development front, the Ponoko developers are hard at work on the EasyCut system that they’ll be rolling out in the spring, which will simplify the process of getting things made. Keep your eyes open for news about this cool new service.

    We’re also excited to announce that Vectric software…creators of the amazing VCarvePro and Aspire design and toolpathing software…and 100kGarages are working together to make software available to Makers that will help them design their projects and work alongside Fabbers on the nuts-and-bolts of project layout and machining. Vectric’s motto is “Passionate about CNC” and we’re really excited about this partnership. More details soon.

    All for now and Happy Holidays to all,
    The 100kGarages team


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