We’re looking for a few good Fabbers!
by BillYoung • January 21, 2010 • Uncategorized • 0 Comments
The innovative EasyCut, an end-to-end system that will manage the complete transaction for pre-paid fabrication jobs, is getting ready for beta testing and we’re looking for 5 beta-testing Fabbers to help out. Here’s what we’re looking for:
- Flexibility and an openness to new ideas. EasyCut is a completely new way of CNC cutting and will evolve over the beta testing period…we need Fabbers that are willing to adapt with it and not get all flustered when things change mid-stream.
- A willingness to help. We’ll need a lot of feedback and help refining the process, and although we’ll try not to make it overwhelming, we’ll have lots of questions as things move along.
- Your business needs to have the ability to ship products and get setup for credit card transactions. We’ll handle the details of getting this setup for you, but you’ll need to have your business in order
If this sounds like it describes you, you can find more information at http://www.100kgarages.com/easycut_testers.html