MAKEzine reviews 2013’s major developments for Making Professionals
by MichaelBerliner • January 2, 2014 • community shops, distributed manufacturing, Handibot Power Tool, Maker Movement, maker spaces, Resources, The Digital Fab Revolution, The New Industrial Revolution • 0 Comments
Maker Pro Newsletter’s DC Denison pulls together a round-up of 2013’s developments on the Maker Pro frontier — where making meets business. Turns out it was a very busy, productive year indeed. Put it on your to-do list to learn more about these start-ups and initiatives — read the round-up here.
One that stands out is Maker’s Row, another interesting resource to help designers find U.S.-based factories – large and small. They’ve been focusing on apparel and are now branching out to furniture. The Round-up also gives shout-outs to new developments in hardware, and ShopBot’s Handibot Smart Power Tool gets a mention.
What do YOU think are the coolest developments of the year?