100kGarager Profile: InHaus Fabrication of Eugene, Oregon
by MichaelBerliner • June 5, 2015 • community shops, Design, distributed manufacturing, Featured 100k Users, Maker Pro, prototyping, shopbot • 0 Comments
Kristopher Schaefer started InHaus Fabrication, a digital fabrication shop, in May of 2014, and things have been buzzing ever since. InHaus provides prototype production, industrial design service, custom promotional material, and high end packaging. InHaus is furnished with a ShopBot CNC router, 3D printer, and a laser cutter.
Kris also offers software training classes to help the local community dive into digital fabrication. “The education piece of this business has really been taking off,” said Kris. “We’re starting to expand offerings in Portland as well.”
Kris described that about one-third of his customers are start-ups. The kinds of projects he’s worked on have included sunglasses, snowboards, clothing lines, and furniture for local biotech offices. Another third of the business comes from local artists who need assistance in completing their installations. “Digital fabrication helps make certain kinds of work more efficient for these artists,” noted Kris. The other third are “odds and ends” projects; Kris described a few off the top of his head: for a sound technician, he fabricated a microphone clip to replace a broken one; and a dashboard knob for an older Mercedes-Benz. “I haven’t advertised per se,” noted Kris. “At this point, we are the only digital fabber locally, so word of mouth seems to make things happen; teaching the classes has also helped to spread the word.” Their short YouTube promo piece:
Kris, who earned his BS in Industrial and Product Design from the University of Oregon, is also the co-founder of Make Everything Academy, which offers business oriented classes focusing on how to utilize digital fabrication to take advantage of opportunities present in business settings. The Academy provides opportunity assessment, workflow breakdown, equipment consulting, and software training. Kris is also a 3D Curriculum Developer for the Eugene public schools; he designs 3d modeling and 3d printing curriculum and also teaches the beta test program at a local high school.
Kris complements his industrial design skills with those of a mechanical engineering partner, and he occasionally partners with local graphic designers for package design projects. They’ve been tackling a number of projects; while some are under NDA’s so we can’t show them, we can share some other work coming out of InHaus Fabrication:

Kris notes: “Cork Label Packaging – A set of adhesive backed cork labels for local honey products. Graphics applied with low power laser followed by high power cutouts.”

Kris notes: “Meet Milton, the CNC cut T-Rex shop mascot. It occurred to us, why have a sidewalk sandwich board when Milton can hold the signs. Plus, people are more likely to read if they have to walk around a T-Rex.”
Learn more about InHaus Fabrication at their 100kGarages profile page, their website, and Facebook page.