Why join 100kGarages?

We help you connect, so you can collaborate and create. It's free to sign up!

Want to sign up in more than one category? Start by choosing a primary category; you'll be able to add other categories as secondary.

Benefits for Makers


  • 100kGarages is for "idea people" at every level of expertise. If you're at the "napkin drawing" stage, use the site to find a Designer who'll draw up your design with software that makes it ready for fabbing. Or use our resources to start designing yourself.
  • Post jobs for bidding. Just sign up as a Maker, then proceed to post a job for Fabbers to bid on.
  • Select a Fabber and go. You’ll receive bids via email. You work out the details directly with your Fabber, and pay him/her directly.
  • Fabbers make and deliver your product/s directly to you.
  • Connect with the community. Use the forum to ask questions and share knowledge.

Benefits for Designers


  • Showcase your work and market your services.
  • Get your designs made. You can post jobs for Fabbers to bid on.
  • Free access to a huge database of Fabbers.
  • Get found by Makers who need your design services.
  • Share your designs. Make your designs available as free downloads at 100kGarages.com and/or link to your website where you can sell designs.
  • Connect with the community. Use the forum to ask questions and share knowledge.

Benefits for Fabbers


  • Get more work! Gain exposure to potential customers everywhere.
  • Showcase your skills. Your 100kGarages Profile will list the equipment you own and any special skill sets you have.
  • Build your online presence. Your profile will provide links to your own web site. And you'll be able to post finished projects, which will also help grow your presence.
  • Connect with the community. Use the forum to ask questions and share knowledge.